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Tatiana Garcia Rey
German Bernal Trujillo
Luis Jorge Morales Rubio
Néstor Ricardo González Marín


Introduction: The vascular lesions (VL) of the vocal folds form part of the group of minor structural alterations of the vocal fold, they are characterized by the presence of a refractory dysphonia that usually is of difficult diagnosis and treatment.

Aim: Describe demographic and clinical characteristics of this lesions and categorize the surgical finding in patients with VL of vocal folds diagnosed in a IVth level complexity hospital in Bogota.

Methods:We reviewed the clinical records of patients with vascular lesions diagnosed by microlaryngoscopy, we observed the frequency and distribution of vascular lesions according to each type of injury and described the relationship between vascular lesions and other laryngeal lesions.

Results:We obtained 47 patients, between 15 and 80 years old. Gender distribution was 48.8% men and 51.2% women. 69.8% of patients were professional vocalist. The most prevalent symptoms were dysphonia (65.2%) and vocal fatigue (27.9%). The presentation of VL in order of frequency were: abnormal disposition of blood vessels (42,9%) varices (26,5%), papilar ectasia (22,4 %)  and hemorraghe (8,2 %).

Conclusions:The sociodemographic findings and clinical presentation of this disease were similar to the reported by other studies.The highest presentation was seen in professional vocalist associated with vocal abuse, this being a possible causal factor of the appearance of LV of the vocal folds.


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Garcia Rey T, Bernal Trujillo G, Morales Rubio LJ, González Marín NR. VASCULAR LESIONS OF THE VOCAL FOLDS. Acta otorrinolaringol cir cabeza cuello [Internet]. 2020Mar.31 [cited 2024Sep.19];47(2):101 107. Available from:
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