Clinical practice guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of acute otitis media

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Juan Camilo Ospina García
Paula Andrea Téllez Cortés
María Mónica Baquero Hoyos
Santiago Hernández González
Camilo Macias Tolosa
Luis Humberto Jiménez Fandiño
Manuela Díaz Valenzuela
Javier Duarte Moreno
María José Bonfante Plata


Acute otitis media is a common pathology, predominantly in childhood. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) defines it as a combination of middle ear effusion, evidence of middle ear inflammation on pneumatoscopy, and onset within 48 hours. It is diagnosed clinically and treatment is focused on the age group and severity of the acute otitis media.


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Ospina García JC, Téllez Cortés PA, Baquero Hoyos MM, Hernández González S, Macias Tolosa C, Jiménez Fandiño LH, Díaz Valenzuela M, Duarte Moreno J, Bonfante Plata MJ. Clinical practice guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of acute otitis media. Acta otorrinolaringol cir cabeza cuello [Internet]. 2025Feb.28 [cited 2025Mar.9];52(4). Available from:
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