Relevant mechanisms and pathways in the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 infection
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Introduction: The etiology of the current public health emergency is a beta-coronavirus called SARS CoV2 and the disease COVID19. With a quick expansion worldwide, different causes may explain this behavior as the type of transmission, which has been debated, with different positions regarding the involvement of aerosol and extrapulmonary routes.
Design: Narrative review of literature
Objective: Consolidate information of the different mechanisms and transmission routes of SARS-Cov2
Methodology: A narrative review of the literature was carried out with a systematic search in databases such as Pubmed, Embase, ScienceDirect, MEDLINE, CENTRAL and LILACS. With MeSH terms “Transmission, aerosol, betacoronavirus” applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, as well as critical reading with the CASPe tool, 31 articles were selected.
Results: The transmission of the virus occurs by contact with drops, fomites and aerosolization, favoring air infection and its permanence even up to 8 hours, being a propagator of the disease. The transmisión by blood and fecal contact, is not frequent, but in cases such as performing procedures or requiring a transfusion, are relevant and measures must be taken.
Conclusions: All patients should de considered potential transmitting and both mechanical and self-induced aerosol induction should be taken into account, without requiring an important manipulation of the airway for virus aerosolization and transmission. The measures for the management of the environment must be considered, as well as the possibility of transmission by extrapulmonary route, such as blood and orofecal route.
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eISSN: 2539-0856
ISSN: 0120-8411
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