Case study of a lingual thyroglossal duct cyst: emergency in the airway of the young infant

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Juan Fernando Muñoz Tamayo
Julian Sierra Jaramillo
Alejandra Mendoza Gallego
Manuela Hurtado González


The thyroglossal cyst is one of the main causes of congenital neck tumors, being the tongue infrequent site of presentation. However it´s relevant to know this location, mainly in young infants, since, due to its anatomical characteristics respiratory distress is a main finding, it could be presented in different degrees of severity, until  it completely compromises the airway and the life of the patient. Two cases of infants are admitted due to stridor and signs of ventilatory failure are presented. Both cases, flexible nasofibrolaryngoscopy was performed, showing a cystic appearance lesion on the tongue, and diagnostic study was subsequently completed with images giving the lingual thyroglossal cyst as the first diagnostic option. Both patients underwent surgical management with suspension microlaryngoscopy plus endoscopic marsupialization with cold cut and radiofrequency with adequate postoperative evolution. Based on previous cases, we propose a management algorithm emphasizing the use of diagnostic images and surgical technique.


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Muñoz Tamayo JF, Sierra Jaramillo J, Mendoza Gallego A, Hurtado González M. Case study of a lingual thyroglossal duct cyst: emergency in the airway of the young infant. Acta otorrinolaringol cir cabeza cuello [Internet]. 2020Sep.30 [cited 2024Sep.19];48(3):250 - 255. Available from:
Serie de casos


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