Predictors of hearing outcomes in patients undergoing ossicular chain reconstruction in a developing country.

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Paula Andrea Ramirez Zea
María Alejandra García Chabur
Juan Camilo Solorzano Useche
María José Lara Carvajal
Ana Maria Otoya Tono
Ángela María Campos Mahecha


Objective: To explore the social and clinical factors that predict audiometric outcomes in patients undergoing ossicular chain reconstruction. Methods: A retrospective analytical cohort study was conducted, including patients 18 years of age or older with a history of chronic otitis media (COM) and/or any of its complications, who underwent ossicular chain reconstruction with Partial Ossicular Replacement Prosthesis (PORP) or Total Ossicular Replacement Prosthesis (TORP), at Hospital San José and Hospital infantile Universitario de San José between 2012 and 2020. We excluded patients with ossicular chain malformations and those with incomplete information. Information about sociodemographic and clinical factors was collected. Additionally, the surgery findings information was analyzed using the Ossiculoplasty outcome parameter staging ( OOPS) index. Results: A total of 35 adult patients who underwent ossicular chain reconstruction were retrospectively studied. An improvement was evidenced in the Preoperative Pure-Tone Average (PTA) and postoperative PTA (p-value=0.036), as well as in the pre and postoperative air-bone gap (ABG) (p-value < 0.01). A moderate correlation coefficient was found between the OOPS index and the postoperative PTA (p= 0.429), and between the OOPS index and the postoperative (ABG) (p= 0.653). Conclusion: We found that a higher OOPS score is correlated with worse hearing outcomes postoperatively, and there was no association between the demographic or pathologic factors with a worse postoperative hearing outcome. Therefore, OOPS index can predict audiometric outcomes in patients undergoing ossicular chain reconstruction in a developing country, regardless of the demographic or pathologic factors.


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Ramirez Zea PA, García Chabur MA, Solorzano Useche JC, Lara Carvajal MJ, Otoya Tono AM, Campos Mahecha Ángela M. Predictors of hearing outcomes in patients undergoing ossicular chain reconstruction in a developing country. Acta otorrinolaringol cir cabeza cuello [Internet]. 7 de febrero de 2024 [citado 9 de marzo de 2025];51(4):268 - 275. Disponible en:
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