Guide for the diagnosis and treatment of acute bacterial pharyngotonsillitis.

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Luis Felipe Romero Moreno
Nicolás García Torres
Juan Carlos Izquierdo Velásquez
Diana Carolina Hernández Rodríguez


Introduction: Acute pharyngotonsillitis is one of the most common diseases in childhood and early adulthood. It is defined as inflammation of the pharynx and tonsils
lasting less than 7 days, accompanied by fever, odynophagia, dysphagia, and general
discomfort. Its most frequent etiology is viral; however, it is crucial to early identify
a possible bacterial cause to initiate prompt and appropriate antibiotic treatment, thus
reducing the risk of complications. Methodology: The guideline was updated using a
methodology of adaptation, development, and updating. Its methodological quality
was assessed using the AGREE II method, and systematic reviews were evaluated with AMSTAR-2, achieving high or moderate confidence ratings. Results: The
use of validated clinical scoring systems is recommended for all patients with acute
pharyngotonsillitis of infectious origin to determine the need for early and appropriate antibiotic therapy. Laboratory tests or imaging studies are not recommended
for uncomplicated bacterial acute pharyngotonsillitis. A correct and complete medical treatment should be prescribed to reduce complications and bacterial resistance.
Conclusions: Proper diagnosis and treatment of bacterial acute pharyngotonsillitis
decrease the risk of complications and help reduce antibiotic resistance rates in our


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Romero Moreno LF, García Torres N, Izquierdo Velásquez JC, Hernández Rodríguez DC. Guide for the diagnosis and treatment of acute bacterial pharyngotonsillitis. Acta otorrinolaringol cir cabeza cuello [Internet]. 2025Feb.28 [cited 2025Mar.9];52(4). Available from:
Guías de Manejo


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