Congenital bilateral dacryocystocele: case report
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Introduction: Dacryocystocele is a rare congenital malformation secondary to nasolacrimal duct obstruction. It has an incidence of 0.1% of patients with congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction, being found bilaterally in up to 25% of cases. Case Report: Two-month-old female infant with preseptal right periorbital cellulitis not associated with an entrance lesion, with an initial diagnosis of right dacryocystitis. On physical examination, a large abscessed mass in the lacrimal sac was evidenced in the right eye; in the left eye, there was an indurated area and slight reflux to the lacrimal sac pressure. Computed tomography of the orbits was performed with findings compatible with bilateral dacryocystocele. Discussion and conclusions: Knowing the presentation and possible complications associated with this pathology prevents significant patient morbidity. Most cases of dacryocystocele can be managed medically, however, cases associated with complications require timely surgical management.
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eISSN: 2539-0856
ISSN: 0120-8411
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