Open tracheostomy in Malvinas Argentinas health system. Our experience

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Carlos Jenner León Vera
Cyntia Yanina Santini
Juan Ignacio Barreras


Introduction: Tracheostomy is the opening and entrance of the trachea to the outside carried out to achieve a controllable and patent airway. The approach can be percutaneous and open, under general or local anesthesia, urgently or scheduled. Objective: Describe the surgical technique usually performed in Malvinas Argentinas Health System and evaluate indications and complications. Materials and methods: Retrospective descriptive study, including of patients with tracheostomy, over 18 years of age, without distinction of sex, carried out between January 2015 and June 2018, in Malvinas Argentinas. Results: 72 patients underwent surgery, 11 local anesthesia, 61 general; 15 emergency, and 57 scheduled. Average age 34.7. The technique used was open with a horizontal incision. The main indications were prolonged orotracheal intubation in 34 patients, acute laryngeal obstructive syndrome (AOLS) in 25, and difficult weaning in 6. The most frequent complications were laryngotracheal injuries in 9 patients, surgical wound infection in 5, and subcutaneous emphysema in 3. Discussion: Open technique is not the only one existing in the literature, but the good results in our service confirm its safety due to better recognition of anatomical structures and opening of the trachea. It is not possible to conclude which technique is superior, with respect to morbidity and mortality. There are differences in the place where it is performed, and it can be done in the operating room or next to the patient’s bed with adequate asepsis. Conclusion: Currently, it continues to be the technique of choice for performing this procedure in our service.


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How to Cite
León Vera CJ, Santini CY, Barreras JI. Open tracheostomy in Malvinas Argentinas health system. Our experience. Acta otorrinolaringol cir cabeza cuello [Internet]. 2024Feb.7 [cited 2024Sep.19];51(4):291 - 295. Available from:
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