Predatory Journals and their Identification: Systematic Review

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Juan Antonio Lugo-Machado
Abril Alejandra Pacheco-Sánchez
Elizabeth Medina-Valentón
Patricia Emiliana García-Ramírez


Introduction: Predatory journals are a global threat, because they accept manuscripts for publication for fees, without performing the promised quality controls. Naïve readers are not the only victims, novice researchers have also been tricked into sub[1]mitting their manuscripts to these journals. Objective: The objective was to identify the characteristics of a predatory magazine. Materials and methods: A systematic review has been carried out following the PRISMA Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyse guidelines of the empirical studies found in PubMed, SciELO, Elsevier and academic Google with the MeSH terms (“predatory journals” or “predatory journal and systematic review”). Results: 81 writings with the indicated terms were located, selecting six possible articles, in which only four writings were accessed. Conclusions: There is no single and infallible checklist, but it is pointed out that predatory journals: lack records in DOAJ, ICMJE, COPE, likewise it is necessary to verify if the editor is a member of known publishing or[1]ganizations, if the website of journals contains current and reliable information, if indexed in PubMed; for this, see MEDLINE.



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Lugo-Machado JA, Pacheco-Sánchez AA, Medina-Valentón E, García-Ramírez PE. Predatory Journals and their Identification: Systematic Review . Acta otorrinolaringol cir cabeza cuello [Internet]. 2022Dec.30 [cited 2025Mar.10];50(4):293 - 298. Available from:
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