When should retention cysts in paranasal sinuses be operated? Literature review

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Catalina Jaramillo-Moncayo
Jorge Luis Herrera
Javier Ospina


Introduction: Mucous retention cysts of the paranasal sinuses are a very common incidental imaging finding. They usually involve the maxillary sinus. Methodology: An extensive literature search on nasosinusal mucosal retention cysts was conducted in January 2021 through multiple databases. 21 articles on the subject were included as evidence for this paper. Discussion: In most cases, treatment should be expectant due
to its tendency to involution and asymptomatic course. However, in clinical practice, surgical management is frequently observed without a clear indication. Conclusions: Surgical indications for mucosal retention cysts are: obstruction of the sinus ostium,
involvement of the ostiomeatal complex, or involvement of the infraorbital nerve with secondary symptoms. It is important for the surgeon to recognize the nature
and behavior of this pathology in order to avoid unnecessary surgical procedures.


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How to Cite
Jaramillo-Moncayo C, Herrera JL, Ospina J. When should retention cysts in paranasal sinuses be operated? Literature review. Acta otorrinolaringol cir cabeza cuello [Internet]. 2021Mar.31 [cited 2025Mar.10];50(1):78 -84. Available from: https://mail.revista.acorl.org.co/index.php/acorl/article/view/626
Author Biography

Catalina Jaramillo-Moncayo, Fundación Universitaria Ciencias de La Salud

Médica egresada de La Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá - Colombia. 

Residente del programa de Otorrinolaringología de La Fundación Universitaria Ciencias de La Salud, Hospital de San José. Bogotá - Colombia.


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