Characterization of patients with otosclerosis with transcanal and retroauricular stapedotomy in a university hospital

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William Andrés Becerra-Cuervo
José Agustín Caraballo


Introduction: Otosclerosis managed surgically with stapedotomy has shown improvement in hearing threshold using a transcanal or retroauricular approach. Objective: To characterize the response to surgical treatment with transcanal and retroauricular stapedotomy in patients diagnosed with otosclerosis in a university center. Design: Retrospective descriptive observational study, case series type. Methodology: Patients with a diagnosis of otosclerosis treated at the Hospital Universitario Clínica San Rafael who met the eligibility criteria between 2014 and 2020 were included. Results: 33 patients operated with transcanal approach and 8 with retroauricular approach were included, the average age was 46.6 years. Most patients were female (56.1%). Hearing threshold improvement was evidenced in 89.9% of the total sample. The presence of anatomical variants was described in 26.8%, the most common variant was the prolapse of the chorda tympani nerve (14.5%). The most common intraoperative complication was eardrum cord nerve section (9.8%). The presence of complications and anatomic variants was more prevalent with retroauricular approach. Conclusion: Stapedotomy with retroauricular and transcanal approach showed improvement of hearing threshold comparable to the world literature, the presence of anatomical variants was correlated with postoperative complications.


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Becerra-Cuervo WA, Caraballo JA. Characterization of patients with otosclerosis with transcanal and retroauricular stapedotomy in a university hospital. Acta otorrinolaringol cir cabeza cuello [Internet]. 2022Jan.31 [cited 2025Mar.10];49(4):291 - 299. Available from:
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