Temporo mandibular joint ankylosis surgery in pediatric patients

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Juan Francisco Oré-Acevedo
Luis La Torre Cabellero
Rosmery Urteaga Quiroga


Introduction: Temporo mandibular ankylosis limits the mandibular function, decreasing the buccal opening, with aesthetic alterations as well as chewing language and even respiratory disfunction. Objective: To describe the patients clinical paticularities and evaluate the surgical treatment results for this pathology. Design: Observacional, descriptive and retrospective study. Methods: We reviewed the medical histories and images of all the patients who underwent temporo mandibular ankylosis release from January 2008 to December 2016.

Results: It involved 44 cases, being the main etiology injuries in a 70.5%, with predominance of the female sex in the 77.3% and the unilateral presentation with the 70.5% of the cases. Ages between 6 to 10 years were the most frequent ones with 47.7%. The surgery most performed was thecondilectomia with coronoidectomy in 79.5% of the cases. The most frequent complication was the palpebral branch paralysis in 13.7% and we had a 6% of ankylosis recurrence. Discussion: Our results are similar to other publications when reproducing the worldwide protocolized treatment, without finding significant differences in terms of etiology, age of presentation, treatment carried out and complications. Conclusions: Temporo mandibular ankylosis is a condition that requires surgical treatment, which is aimed to anatomical and funtional restoration. Wide bone resection complemented with other surgical techniques such as flap interposition to minimize the relapse possibility and bone distraction to restore the mandibular anatomy.


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How to Cite
Oré-Acevedo JF, La Torre Cabellero L, Urteaga Quiroga R. Temporo mandibular joint ankylosis surgery in pediatric patients. Acta otorrinolaringol cir cabeza cuello [Internet]. 2021Oct.2 [cited 2025Mar.9];49(3):199 - 206. Available from: https://mail.revista.acorl.org.co/index.php/acorl/article/view/573
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Author Biography

Juan Francisco Oré-Acevedo, Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño

Cirujano de cabeza, cuello y máxilo facial en:

Clínica centenario peruano japonesa

Clínica médica cayetano heredia

Clínica sanna el golf


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