Characterization of the otorrinolaringological manifestations in patients with HIV/AIDS infection in the city of Cartagena
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Introduction: In Colombia, the incidence of the disease has been increasing and Cartagena has the highest numbers of the country. Otorhinolaryngological manifestations
in people with HIV/AIDS are estimated between 20%-80% generating a great impact on quality of life. Objective: To determine the epidemiological characteristics and otorhinolaryngological manifestations in a group of people with HIV / AIDS
in the city of Cartagena. Methodology: Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional and prospective design. Information was collected from patients with HIV from the city of Cartagena who attended 2 medical centers, a questionnaire was applied to obtain epidemiological data, otorhinolaryngological signs and symptoms, as well as a complete otorhinolaryngological physical examination. Results: 150 patients were included in the study, with a mean age of 31 years, 59.3% male and 40.7% female.
The most frequent non-otorhinolaryngological pathological antecedent was syphilis coinfection in 10% and otorhinolaryngological, sinusitis and oral candidiasis each with 3.3%. 73% of the patients at the time of the evaluation manifested otorhinolaryngological alteration, the otological ones being the most frequent with 39.9% of the patients. Furthermore, a significant relationship was observed between CD4 counts and findings such as laryngeal dysphonia (p = 0.045). Conclusions: The otological
manifestations were the most frequent in our environment and a relationship was found between the CD4 count and the laryngeal manifestations of the disease.
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eISSN: 2539-0856
ISSN: 0120-8411
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