Post-surgical complications of the management of the nasal dorsum with the cartilage-bridging technique

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Clara Sofía Oñate-Carrillo
Juliana Montero Cortés
Andrea Hortua-Bayona
Armando Rojas-Salazar


Introduction: In Cartagena, a new dorsal graft technique called Cartilage in Bridge
(CEP) has been carried out for approximately a decade, performed in rhinoplasties
closed by a single otorhinolaryngologist. However, there are no studies that
characterize the complications of this technique. Objective: To characterize postoperative
complications of the management of the nasal dorsum with bridge cartilage
in patients undergoing rhinoplasty. Methodology: Retrospective, descriptive, observational
cross-sectional study, covering clinical records of patients who underwent
closed rhinoplasty with the bridge cartilage technique between 2013 and 2016. Sociodemographic
variables, characteristics of the procedure, and complications detected
during follow-up were recorded postoperative: appearance of infection, extrusion,
displacement, and reabsorption of the graft Results: 882 medical records were identified.
The median age was 28 years, being 81 % female. Rhinoplasty was primary
in 80.6 %, the dorsal graft material was only cartilage in 80.6 %, Gore-Tex® in 1.7
% and combination of cartilage and Gore-Tex® in 17.7 %. The median duration of
the rhinoplasties was 78 minutes (ICR: 72-85), with the main additional procedure
being septoplasty in 82.2 %. 18.2 % of the patients presented complications. Displacement
(14.7 %) was the main complication reported, followed by reabsorption (4.0
%) and infection (0.1 %). Conclusions: The cartilage bridge technique showed graft
displacement and reabsorption as main complications, with a frequency similar to
that described in other studies


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How to Cite
Oñate-Carrillo CS, Montero Cortés J, Hortua-Bayona A, Rojas-Salazar A. Post-surgical complications of the management of the nasal dorsum with the cartilage-bridging technique. Acta otorrinolaringol cir cabeza cuello [Internet]. 2021Mar.31 [cited 2025Mar.9];49(1):36 - 42. Available from:
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