Progressive visual impairment in a patient with proptosis. Case report and review of the literature.
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Case report: a 54 yo smoking patient, consulted to our department due to a progressive visual impairment over the last two years in her right eye. She presented proptosis in her clinical examination. Imaging studies based on MRI and PET-CT described a right intraconal lesion with an undefined morphology surrounding the optic nerve. Orbital tumors differential diagnosis is delicate. Nevertheless, Non-Hodgkin lymphomas followed by metastasis are the two most common found in this location. The immunohistochemistry and molecuar studies, confirmed the suspected diagnosis of extranodal low-grade lymphoproliferative syndrome.
Objective: review differential diagnosis and literature regarding orbital tumors.
Discusion: endoscopic management of these lesions may result in a lower comorbidity compared to traditional external approaches. Role of surgery lays in obtainment of a quality sample which allows a proper diagnosis.
Conclusions: multidisciplinary approach with ophthalmologists, hemathologists and radiotherapy experts enhances good surgical and clinical results in the vast majority of cases.
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eISSN: 2539-0856
ISSN: 0120-8411
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