Clinical and sociodemographic characteristics of patients with tinnitus at specialized unit in Medellín

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Andrea Moreno T
Nathalie Cristina Arboleda Villa
Damian Martinez S
Margarita Schwarz L
Dandis J Mendoza C
Alejandra Garrido A


Introduction: Taking into account the impact of tinnitus on the quality of life, this study seeks to describe the characteristics of this specific population.

Objective: This study aimed to describe the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of patients diagnosed with tinnitus attending a clinic in Medellin, Colombia.

Methods:  Study of patients referred to Otorhinolaryngology and Otology Specialist Center (ORLANT clinic) in Medellin in one year. Determining variables as socio-demographics and medical history.

Results: 61 patients were assessed. 59% were male, with a mean age of 52.5 years. The median time of symptoms was 24 months. The results associated with tinnitus features were: 54.1% had symptoms referable to both ears and 78.7% reported high pitch noise. According to THI, 59% of patients described moderately distressing tinnitus. 67,2% reported spinning sensation and 80.3% imbalance or instability. As to comorbidities: 23% of the population had high blood pressure, only 5 patients received ototoxic drugs and 21.3% had a diagnosis of a psychiatric disorder. 34.4% had chronic noise exposure and 8.2% sudden hearing loss. as for associations with audiometry findings: 65.5% had a previous diagnosis of hearing loss, 52.5% in both ears, 54.1% had sensorineural type.

Conclusion: The most common characteristics of tinnitus were bilateral presentation, duration greater than 3 months, high pitch noise and moderate intensity. Finding similar characteristics to those described in other populations.

Clinical relevance: Understanding the peculiarities of patients with tinnitus make an approach to propose specifically targeted prevention and treatment measures.


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How to Cite
Moreno T A, Arboleda Villa NC, Martinez S D, Schwarz L M, Mendoza C DJ, Garrido A A. Clinical and sociodemographic characteristics of patients with tinnitus at specialized unit in Medellín. Acta otorrinolaringol cir cabeza cuello [Internet]. 2021Jul.2 [cited 2025Mar.9];49(2):105 - 111. Available from:
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