Diagnostic arthroscopy in Maxillofacial Surgery
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Introduction: Internal disorders of the Temporomandibular Joint are the most common. Arthroscopy is very useful in Maxillofacial Surgery as an alternative for the diagnosis and treatment of internal disorders of the Temporomandibular Joint. Objective: The objective of this review is to describe the diagnostic arthroscopy of the Temporomandibular Joint. Methods: A narrative literature review and search of Pubmed, Proquest, Scielo, Mendeley and Elsevier databases were performed in English and Spanish using the descriptors (Diagnostic arthroscopy, Temporomandibular Joint) in Spanish and English. Articles published over a period of 40 years (1980-2020) were selected, including a total of 26 articles and 6 books from 702 reviewed documents in the study. Discussion: In the arthroscopy of the Temporomandibular Joint the position, quality, texture of the articular cartilage, the vascularization, and the redundancy of the synovial membrane can be observed, and procedures such as advanced arthroscopic techniques can be performed.
Conclusions: Diagnostic arthroscopy facilitates the diagnosis and management of intra-articular pathologies. Being necessary and essential knowledge of this technique.
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