Diagnostic tools in laringeal patology: narrow band imaging (NBI) Narrow band imaging (nbi)

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Zamora-Cely LM
Alvaro Gomez
Perea-Mena IL
Moncada-Sánchez IF


Narrow band imaging (NBI) is an image enhancement system, developed in Japan in 2001, which uses wavelengths filtered at 415 nm and 540 nm that allow the visualization of microvascular anomalies that have been associated with carcinogenesis. In laryngology the NBI is used for the evaluation of premalignant lesions, detection of unknown primary in head and neck, diagnosis and follow-up of malignant lesions after endoscopic treatment and / or with radiotherapy, among others. This narrative review of the literature is about technical foundations of the NBI, the basic physiological principles, the current classifications to describe the different vascular patterns and the main uses described in laryngology, as well as an atlas of images taken in the Otolaryngology service from the Hospital de San Jose.


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LM Z-C, AE G-R, IL P-M, IF M-S. Diagnostic tools in laringeal patology: narrow band imaging (NBI): Narrow band imaging (nbi). Acta otorrinolaringol cir cabeza cuello [Internet]. 2020Sep.30 [cited 2025Mar.9];48(3):240 - 248. Available from: https://mail.revista.acorl.org.co/index.php/acorl/article/view/521


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