Recommendations in sleep lab and for the use of positive pressure devices during the pandemic of COVID-19

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Sandra Zabala-Parra
Kevin A. Guzmán-Ortiz


The coronavirus disease 2019 or COVID-19 is transmitted primarily through respiratory drops, unprotected close contact, and aerosol-generating procedures (3). Tests performed in a sleep laboratory and positive pressure therapy such as CPAP or BPAP, may increase the risk of exposure of transmission of COVID 19 to clinicians and patients. Evidence-based making decisions are the ideal standard, however, this evidence appears little by little, at a slower rate than the public health emergency that we are experiencing; therefore, for the moment our decisions must be based on our experience, on consensus documents, when they are available, and clinical judgment when there is no evidence. Our objective is to give recommendations, taking as a reference framework those issued by national and international organizations, such as the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, the Mexican Academy of Sleep Medicine, and other publications in indexed journals.


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Zabala-Parra S, Guzmán-Ortiz KA. Recommendations in sleep lab and for the use of positive pressure devices during the pandemic of COVID-19. Acta otorrinolaringol cir cabeza cuello [Internet]. 2020May7 [cited 2025Mar.9];48(1):93 - 96. Available from:


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