Telemedicine in the practice of the otolaryngologist in the contingency period of COVID-19

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Irene C. Perez-Garcia
Susana Santamaria-Gamboa
Gustavo Romero
Juan Carlos Vergara


IntroductionThe pandemic due to the novel Coronavirus has affected all of us affecting substantially our practice. However, it is necessary to maintain communication with our patients who continue to require our services. It is here where telehealth and telemedicine in Otolaryngology play a very important role.

MethodsA narrative review of the literature was carried out through a search in PUB-MED and EMBASE regarding he information available on telehealth and telemedicine in the area of Otolaryngology. In addition, literature from Otolaryngology societies worldwide and guidelines and regulations of the Colombian government were included.

DiscussionTelemedicine is useful for patient care in this contingency. We must follow certain parameters, properly choose patients, and act in good faith. Suggestions are made on the benefit of telehealth and telemedicine, special considerations in our medical practice, the scope of the aforementioned services and their implementation in our offices and institutions based on the available literature, legal regulations and the authors' experience.

ConclusionIn the practice of the Otolaryngologist it is possible to implement telemedicine with the endorsement of the insurers and the acceptance of patients. One must be extremely careful with the medical record and the prescription of medications and select patients appropriately. Otolaryngology telemedicine is a valuable tool that allows us to continue caring for selected patients by keeping them and ourselves safe.

Keywords: telemedicine, telehealth, otolaryngology, mobile health, ambulatory health, remote consultation




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Perez-Garcia IC, Santamaria-Gamboa S, Romero G, Vergara JC. Telemedicine in the practice of the otolaryngologist in the contingency period of COVID-19. Acta otorrinolaringol cir cabeza cuello [Internet]. 2020May7 [cited 2025Mar.10];48(1):37- 44. Available from:


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