Giant submandibular sialolithiasis, surgical removal and ductal repair: case report

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Christian kammerer Miranda
Diego Escobar
Jorge Holguín


The lithiasic pathology of the salivary glands is part of a group of conditions that harms the normal drainage system of the saliva towards the oral cavity, causing multiple lesions on the affected gland, a report of a clinical case with this pathology was made. Due to the size of the stone it is considered extremely rare in our environment. Method: case report and review of the literature (radiological studies, clinical history, clinical findings) patient consent was signed for this publication.
Results: a 38-year-old male patient referred from the outpatient clinic with a 1-week clinical picture of pain, swelling and edema in the left submandibular region
associated with sialopurulent secretion from the oral cavity in the strict occlusal Rx and a contrast-enhanced neck CT revealed a lithiasic lesion with more or less 4.5 x 1.8 cm in diameter of radiolucent features at the level of the wharton duct.


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How to Cite
kammerer Miranda C, Escobar D, Holguín J. Giant submandibular sialolithiasis, surgical removal and ductal repair: case report. Acta otorrinolaringol cir cabeza cuello [Internet]. 2020Dec.21 [cited 2025Mar.9];48(4):312 - 314. Available from:
Reportes de Casos
Author Biography

Christian kammerer Miranda, universidad del valle

Residente de otorrinolaringologia ultimo año universidad del valle - cali


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