Sociodemographic characterization of maxillofacial trauma in a third level center of complexity in Chía, Colombia

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José Antonio Vélez-Serna
Julio C García
Luis Ángel Nieto-Vargas
Luisa Fernanda Cogua-Martinez
Melanie Alejandra Pérez-Orbegozo


Introduction: Maxillofacial trauma is considered a surgical emergency when associated with cranioencephalic trauma (CET). The most important demographic findings will be described in a group of patients selected for the present study. To describe the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of patients diagnosed with maxillofacial trauma, as well as to determine the main treatment and stabilization guidelines developed in a third level complexity center in the township of Chía in Colombia.
Materials and methods: This is a observational and descriptive study, developed by the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Maxillofacial Surgery to characterize the demographic population with maxillofacial trauma at the Clínica de la Universidad
de La Sabana. Results: We analyzed 37 patients in the present study, with an average age of 35 years, finding a higher incidence of presentation in the male gender. Among the most frequent causes; in 56% of cases, traffic events are recorded as a motorcycle driver. Within the classification of fractures, panfacial’s fractures were found in 24.4% of the cases, being the most prevalent. In the hospital setting, 43% of patients had severe CET. The waiting time to perform a surgical intervention was approximately 3.8 days. Finally, management requirements were defined in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) through 5 variables such as: use of vasopressors, sedation, analgesics, gastrostomy or tracheostomy and additional management in ICU



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Vélez-Serna JA, García JC, Nieto-Vargas L Ángel, Cogua-Martinez LF, Pérez-Orbegozo MA. Sociodemographic characterization of maxillofacial trauma in a third level center of complexity in Chía, Colombia. Acta otorrinolaringol cir cabeza cuello [Internet]. 2023Mar.31 [cited 2024Sep.19];51(1):50 - 56. Available from:
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