Sialendoscopy: the end of the open adenectomy in benign salivary disease

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Marcela Marulanda
María Paula Olivera
Manuela Hurtado
Álvaro Sanabria


Introduction: Chronic sialoadenitis is caused by stones, mucus deposits, ductal stenosis, or chronic inflammation, and mainly affects the submandibular gland. Initially, medical management is indicated; in recurrent cases, adenectomy or removal of the stone are of choice. The morbidity associated with adenectomy due to facial nerve injury, external scarring, persistence of symptoms, and longer recovery time have led to the search for more functional options that respect the physiology of the gland. Methods: A retrospective series of patients with benign salivary disease, adults over 18 years of age treated with sialoendsocopy as the first option. Patients with stones >1 cm were excluded. Results: Sialoendoscopy in 44 patients with nononcological pathology for 5 years was presented, of which 75% were women and the majority affected the submandibular glands. The main cause was lithiasis, with an average size of 10 mm. 78% were treated by a pure endoscopic approach with papillotomy to insert the equipment. In 3 the duct could not be found and 3 required open sialadenectomy. 76% remained asymptomatic after the procedure; infectious complications in 2. The median surgical time was 75 minutes and the follow-up was 45 days. Discussion: Compared to studies available in the literature, there were more women, the gland most affected was parotid and the success rate was higher compared to Katz’s article; but when compared with others it was standard, and lower complication rates were reported compared to the other studies cited Conclusion: sialendoscopy is a viable and safe treatment for benign salivary disease.


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Marulanda M, Olivera MP, Hurtado M, Sanabria Álvaro. Sialendoscopy: the end of the open adenectomy in benign salivary disease. Acta otorrinolaringol cir cabeza cuello [Internet]. 2024Apr.26 [cited 2024Sep.19];52(1):48 - 54. Available from:
Trabajos Originales


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