Giant tonsillolith: unexpected finding. Case report

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Samuel Eduardo Cardona Mejia
Alejandro Uribe Escobar
Cesar Augusto García García


Introduction: We present the case of a giant tonsil stone as a finding in routine panoramic radiography in dentistry. Clinical case: we present the case of a 26 years-old male patient who underwent a control panoramic radiography where a large radiopaque image of approximately 2 cm in diameter was evidenced at the right peritonsillar level; the patient was asymptomatic at the time of the consultation, when receiving surgical treatment, a giant tonsillolith was evidenced which was removed en bloc without complications. Discussion: differential diagnosis of radiopaque images found in head and neck radiographs compatible with tonsilloliths are presented. Conclusions: Although rare, this entity should be kept in mind as a possible finding in head and neck imaging studies or symptoms at tonsillar space.


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Cardona Mejia SE, Uribe Escobar A, García García CA. Giant tonsillolith: unexpected finding. Case report. Acta otorrinolaringol cir cabeza cuello [Internet]. 2023Oct.24 [cited 2025Mar.10];51(3):228 - 31. Available from:
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