Caracterización clínico-epidemiológica de fracturas orbitarias en el hospital de San José, Bogotá 2015-2020.
Main Article Content
Introduction: Maxillofacial trauma represents a health problem; it can cause functional and aesthetic alterations and sequelae. Orbital trauma is common. There are social demographic variables that could be associated with orbital fractures. The objective of this work was to describe the social, economic, environmental, epidemiological, medical, and surgical factors and their postoperative results of patients with orbital trauma in the patient population of the San José hospital in the period between 2015 and 2020. Methodology: Descriptive study observational case series. Data collection was carried out on patients with a diagnosis of orbital fracture at the San José Hospital between 2015 and 2020. Sociodemographic and clinical-surgical variables are described. Results: 120 patients with orbital fractures in 5 years were included. 81.67% were male, with an average age of 35.6 years. The most common stratum was 3, and the incidence was higher in the months with more holidays. The most frequent mechanism of trauma: falls (20.83%), followed by fights (19.17%). Impure fractures were the most frequent and of these, the orbitozygomatic fracture was the most common. Surgical treatment was the choice in most cases and the most common surgical approach was the subciliary (54.17%). Conclusion: Orbital fractures are frequent in men and generally involve the malar complex, despite the time the cases have increased and there is a possible relationship with the months with more festivities and secondary to violent etiologies. The most used treatment is surgical.
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eISSN: 2539-0856
ISSN: 0120-8411
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