Risk of malignancy evaluation through data mining technic in patients with thyroid nodules with cytology study Bethesda IV
Main Article Content
Introduction: In the health field, each decision represents data, and data mining techniques have begun to be a promising methodology for the analysis of this information, especially in the design of predictive models. Methods: Analytical observational study; patients older than 15 years with a report of Bethesda IV after a fine needle aspiration biopsy that undergoing surgical management at the Hospital de San José in Bogotá. The data collected from those patients were included in three groups: sociodemographic-clinical information, cytology findings, and ultrasound
reports. Analysis was performed using three technics: Naive Bayes, decision trees, and neural networks. Weka tool version 3.8.2 was used. Results: 195 patients out of 427, had a thyroid carcinoma pathology (45.6%). Better results were evidenced using cross-validation (10 fold) compared with a partition (66%), the Bayes technique had
better results of correct classification (91.1%), than the tree technique (87.8%) and neural network (88.2%). Conclusions: The use of the Naive Bayes technique shows an important accuracy to determine the prediction of risk of malignancy in patients
with a Bethesda IV cytological study, which would allow an adequate guide to the surgical management of patients.
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eISSN: 2539-0856
ISSN: 0120-8411
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