Respiratory adenomatoid nasal hamartomas. Four cases report

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Natalia Gordillo Gayo
Español Español
Español Español
Laura Albiol Varella
Marta Faubel Serra
Paúl Andrade Cadena


The hamartoma are epithelial lesions categorized as benign which are known for being a proliferation of typical cells of the original tissue but with unusual distribution and organisation. The nasal hamartoma is a short known lesion, which typically is found as a causal discovery. Below we present a series of 4 patients diagnosed with hamartoma of respiratory epithelium that are presented clinically as polyps or
cavum bilateral obstruction.


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Gordillo Gayo N, Doménech Mañez I, Riera Sala C, Albiol Varella L, Faubel Serra M, Andrade Cadena P. Respiratory adenomatoid nasal hamartomas. Four cases report. Acta otorrinolaringol cir cabeza cuello [Internet]. 2023Mar.31 [cited 2025Mar.9];51(1):78 - 1. Available from:
Serie de casos


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