Gastric mucosa heterotopia of the proximal esophagus as a cause of respiratory distress in a newborn: case report

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Nathaly Hoepfner
Diana C Valencia
Adriana Y Isaza
Carolina Rendón
Diana I. García


Heterotopy of the gastric mucosa of the proximal esophagus (HMGEP) is a poorly understood and probably underdiagnosed clinical entity due to the presence of ectopic gastric mucosa islands in the proximal esophagus. Although it is usually an asymptomatic entity, it sometimes generates pharyngolaryngeal symptoms, and infrequently it can be associated with complications such as stenosis, ulcers and perforation. We present the case of a new born who manifests early with respiratory distress secondary to HMGEP, requiring orotracheal intubation and subsequent ablative laser therapy, with which the patient gradually recovers.


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Hoepfner N, Valencia DC, Isaza AY, Rendón C, García DI. Gastric mucosa heterotopia of the proximal esophagus as a cause of respiratory distress in a newborn: case report. Acta otorrinolaringol cir cabeza cuello [Internet]. 2022Jun.30 [cited 2025Mar.10];50(2):134-8. Available from:
Reportes de Casos


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