Descending mediastinitis in the context of Ludwig’s Angina. Article review

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Andrés Leonardo Fuentes F.
Luis Felipe Romero M.
María Paula Olivera Arenas
Jorge Alberto Cortés Luna
Héctor Andrés Ulloque A.


Mediastinitis is defined as the usually infectious inflammatory process of the mediastinal connective tissue and the organs it surrounds. Specifically, descending mediastinitis corresponds to a rare complication, an infection of deep spaces of the neck, oropharynx or oral cavity, which extends through the facial spaces of the neck, dissecting. Less frequent, this pathology can originate from parotiditis, skin infections of the neck or epiglottitis. Also less frequent it can be generated in the context of trauma to the neck or oral cavity (3).

This pathology leads to a significant increase in mortality and treatment, although it remains controversial in certain circumstances, it must be aggressive and timely. With regard to a case handled in our service, we review the state of the art in this entity. The authors refer to the attention in particular, to the aspects that involve the specialist.


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How to Cite
Fuentes F. AL, Romero M. LF, Olivera Arenas MP, Cortés Luna JA, Ulloque A. HA. Descending mediastinitis in the context of Ludwig’s Angina. Article review. Acta otorrinolaringol cir cabeza cuello [Internet]. 2022Jun.30 [cited 2025Mar.10];50(2):151-8. Available from:
Author Biography

María Paula Olivera Arenas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Residente Otorrinolaringologia Universidad Nacional de COlombia


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