Parotid cellular blue nevi, an unusual mass

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Esteban Reig Montaner
Iván Doménech Máñez
Natalia Gordillo Gayo
Mayra Botero Vargas
Marta Faubel Serra


Introduction: Cellular blue nevi is a benign dermal melanocytic tumor. Occasionally, it can be falsely diagnosed as malignant lesions, including melanoma. Clinical case: This is a 37-year-old woman who presented with a left parotid mass of four months of evolution, corresponding with a cellular blue nevi. Discussion: The region of the head and neck is the third in frequency, after the sacrococcygeal and the extremities. During the study of a melanocytic tumor, diagnostic confirmation with a biopsy is important, due to the similarities, both clinical and pathological, of cellular blue nevi with malignant melanoma. Conclusions: the correct differential diagnosis is very important, for which immunohistochemical study is helpful. The treatment of this tumor is the surgical excision with margins, presenting benign behaviour and low recurrence rate.


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Reig Montaner E, Doménech Máñez I, Gordillo Gayo N, Botero Vargas M, Faubel Serra M. Parotid cellular blue nevi, an unusual mass. Acta otorrinolaringol cir cabeza cuello [Internet]. 2022Sep.30 [cited 2025Mar.10];50(3):207 - 210. Available from:
Reportes de Casos


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