Juvenile xanthogranuloma in an adult with a single manifestation in the external auditory canal, an uncommon entity and unusual localization: Case report

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José Eduardo Guzmán-Durán
Nataly Vanegas-Bustamante
Anggie Tatiana Ariza-Alvis


Juvenile xanthogranulomatosis, an unusual pathology that occurs predominantly in early childhood, adults can be affected infrequently, the skin manifestation occurs in most cases, as a solitary, indurated red-yellow papule or nodule, with a highest frequency occurs at head and neck level, followed by the trunk and the lower and upper extremities. Extracutaneous manifestations are uncommon, however they can be present with principal ocular level involvement (1). We present the case of a 42-year-old man who consulted due to an appearance of a lesion in the right external auditory canal with a progressive increase in size associated with intermittent otorrhea and hearing loss. The diagnosis was made by clinical, histopathological and immunohistochemical findings. Excision of the entire lesion was performed, after which the patient presented adequate evolution and improvement of symptoms. This case is presented due to the infrequency of the entity and the unusual localization


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How to Cite
Guzmán-Durán JE, Vanegas-Bustamante N, Ariza-Alvis AT. Juvenile xanthogranuloma in an adult with a single manifestation in the external auditory canal, an uncommon entity and unusual localization: Case report. Acta otorrinolaringol cir cabeza cuello [Internet]. 2022Jan.31 [cited 2025Mar.9];49(4):300 - 33. Available from: https://mail.revista.acorl.org.co/index.php/acorl/article/view/543
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