Informed consent In the practice of the otolaryngologyst during the era of COVID-19

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Santiago Hernández
Miguel A González
Kevin A Guzmán-Ortiz
Pedro Velandia


Since the onset of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic, the medical practice has undergone profound structural changes; one of the components in which these changes are and will be seen is the doctor-patient relationship. It is clear that the praxis will modify the medicine as we know it, since the history taking in the medical consult, to performing the physical exam and the treatment options. From the pandemic onwards, new on-site and non-contact technological tools and protection measures for the patients and medical staff will be included, even the patient-physician relationship will change trying to avoid the contact as much as possible, modifying the traditional medical atmosphere.

The contagious transmissible diseases will force otolaryngologists to transform their behavior and medical-patient relationship, forcing both parts (doctor and patient) to take action pursuing the care of themselves and the other, attending the two-way relationship of the medical attention.

Within this new physician-patient relationship, the informed consent (IC) will take special relevance, not only because it will be present in many of the new service providing ways but also because it has a new component which, for now, will be very difficult to ignore: the risk of Covid19 Infection. The medical explanation of what is happening with this novel coronavirus and the acceptance by the patient, will create a new medical performance as part of a new methodology.

This article explains the use of the IC in this new medical practice and will be developed from its philosophical, medical and legal aspects, providing the reader with more information regarding this valuable tool.


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Hernández S, González MA, Guzmán-Ortiz KA, Velandia P. Informed consent In the practice of the otolaryngologyst during the era of COVID-19. Acta otorrinolaringol cir cabeza cuello [Internet]. 2020May7 [cited 2025Mar.10];48(1):45 - 4. Available from:


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