General recommendations for the performance of pediatric otolaryngology procedures in the COVID-19 era

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Juan Camilo Ospina
Paula Andrea Téllez
María Mónica Baquero-Hoyos
Marcela Fandiño


The pandemic caused by the SARS CoV-2 (COVID-19) has developed a global public health crisis with no precedents in our recent history. The pediatric population has not been affected as much as the adult population although children are considered a risk group given the fact that they could spread the SARS CoV-2. In the following document recommendations taken from various expert panels are given to otolaryngologist to take in consideration when organizing an outpatient clinic, performing surgical and non surgical procedures during this pandemic.

It’s important to highlight this is a rapidly evolving situation therefore updates will be done according to the pandemic stage we face.


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Ospina JC, Téllez PA, Baquero-Hoyos MM, Fandiño M. General recommendations for the performance of pediatric otolaryngology procedures in the COVID-19 era. Acta otorrinolaringol cir cabeza cuello [Internet]. 2020May7 [cited 2025Mar.9];48(1):79 - 2. Available from:


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