Surgical outcomes of nasal septal perforation repair with cartilage grafts

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María Alejandra Taborda-Samper
Manuela Orozco-Naranjo
Lina Margarita Zamora-Cely


Introduction: septal perforations and surgical correction are a challenge for ENT specialists. Several techniques for closing septal perforations are described in the literature; however, its results in terms of effectiveness are variable and with small sample sizes. The technique of closure of septal perforation with cartilage grafts has been performed for 8 years in the ENT department of San Jose? Hospital with a successful clinical response.

Aims: to describe the postoperative results of patients managed with the technique of surgical closure of septal perforation with cartilage grafts, in terms of complications and frequency of residual septal perforation.

Design: descriptive cohort study.

Methods: a cohort of patients managed with the surgical closure technique of septal perforation with grafts of bank cartilage or autologous cartilage are described. Patients were included from January 2014 to June 2018. Demographic, clinical data, complications and presentation of residual septal perforation were extracted from the clinical history

Results: The success rate of septal perforation closure was 78.3%; being the most frequent etiologies antecedent of surgery and idiopathic. The most common complication was epistaxis in 26% of patients, followed by pain in 21.7% in the postoperative period, which improved in subsequent controls.

Conclusion: the results with the technique of closure of septal perforation with bank grafting were satisfactory in this population.



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Taborda-Samper MA, Orozco-Naranjo M, Zamora-Cely LM. Surgical outcomes of nasal septal perforation repair with cartilage grafts. Acta otorrinolaringol cir cabeza cuello [Internet]. 2020Jul.30 [cited 2025Mar.9];48(2):150 - 155. Available from:
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