Mandibular fractures in the otorhinolaryngology and maxillofacial surgery service: experience in clinical, diagnostic and treatment characteristics at the San José Hospital.

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René Pedraza
Juan Carlos Borja
Jhordano Bermejo Neira
Katherine Prieto
Paula Orozco


Introduction: facial trauma is one of the most frequent emergencies of the otolaryngology
and maxillofacial surgery service..Treatment should be aimed at identifying
the cause and type of fracture and imply that it can be conservative and surgical to
provide adequate knowledge and management for this type of pathology.
Objective: to describe the experience in the conservative and surgical management of
fractures. mandibular in the otolaryngology and maxillofacial surgery department of
the San José Hospital in Bogotá between 2014 and 2018. Design: descriptive study.
Methods: a cohort of patients with a diagnosis of mandibular fracture was enrolled
at the Hospital de San José between 2014 and 2018. The main clinical and demographic
characteristics, imaging findings, type of fracture, treatment, complications and
recurrences were describe. Results: 25 cases of patients with mandibular fracture
were included during the period described.72 % of the patients were men, with an
average age of 32.32 years (DS11.23). With etiology due to falls, the most frequent
cases (40 %), followed by traffic accidents (32 %) and street disputes (16 %) The
anatomical regions frequently compromised are: the condyle (20 %), angle (12 %),
parasinfisiary (12 %). Surgical treatment was present in 56 % of these patients, 100
% oral approach was used. Conclusion: mandibular fractures are common in men,
and most often compromise the jaw condyle. Depending on the type of fracture and
the degree of commitment, the treatment can be conservative or surgical. With low
frequency in complications and recurrence.


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How to Cite
Pedraza R, Borja JC, Bermejo Neira J, Prieto K, Orozco P. Mandibular fractures in the otorhinolaryngology and maxillofacial surgery service: experience in clinical, diagnostic and treatment characteristics at the San José Hospital. Acta otorrinolaringol cir cabeza cuello [Internet]. 2020Nov.3 [cited 2024Sep.19];47(4):213 - 221. Available from:
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