Giant concha bullosa: a case report.
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Concha bullosa is an anatomical variant of the middle nasal conchae. This is a clinical report of a case of a 21 year old woman with severe bilateral nasal fossa
obstruction symptoms. During the examination, a large mass was occupying the left nasal fossa. There was also a severe deviation to the right. CT scans showed a giant left Concha bullosa, pneumatization of the superior left Concha with septal thinning
and deviation towards the right nasal fossa. Endoscopic surgery is performed including resection of the Concha bullosa, correction of the pneumatization of the superior turbinate, and maxillary antrostomy, in addition, septoplasty is performed as a surgical challenge, due to its degree of difficulty and the possibility of causing complications such as septal perforation.
Article Details

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Este artículo es publicado por la Revista Acta de Otorrinolaringología & Cirugía de Cabeza y Cuello.
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eISSN: 2539-0856
ISSN: 0120-8411
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